Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Elias Julio Author-Name-First: Julio Author-Name-Last: Elias Author-Name: Depetris-Chauvin Nicolas Author-Name-First: Nicolas Author-Name-Last: Depetris-Chauvin Author-Name: Ferro Gustavo Author-Name-First: Gustavo Author-Name-Last: Ferro Author-Name: Gatti Nicolás Author-Name-First: Nicolás Author-Name-Last: Gatti Author-Name: Villanueva Emiliano Author-Name-First: Emiliano Author-Name-Last: Villanueva Title: Innovation and Innovators in the Wine Industry of Argentina: What a Novel Dataset Reveals Abstract: Argentina is one of the latecomers as a wine exporter among New World producers. However, its insertion in the international market is steady in volume and improving in relative prices, indicating an increasing appreciation of its quality over time. Quality is essential for differentiating products and is intimately related to innovation. We use a new, unique microdata set of wineries in Argentina to quantitatively characterize the innovators’ approach to innovation. Based on the innovator type in the Argentine wine industry, we link these types with variables capturing critical decisions in the production process and variables capturing the winery's performance. We use innovator profiles defined by a questionnaire to estimate the impact of being an extremely conceptual innovator on export performance. We hypothesize that there are differences in export performance between different types of innovators. Using an Inverse Probability Weighting with Regression Adjustment (IPWRA) methodology, we find that being an extremely conceptual type of innovator is associated with larger shares of export volume and value. This research has implications for focusing on the types of innovators who succeed as international wine exporters. Length: 21 pages Creation-Date: 2024-11 File-URL: https://aaep.org.ar/works/works2024/4729.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 4729 Classification-JEL: L66, O30 Handle: RePEc:aep:anales:4729