Autor: Bracco Jessica, Brambilla Irene, Cerimelo Manuela, Cesar Andrés, Falcone Guillermo
Institución: CEDLAS-UNLP
Año: 2024
JEL: L11, F14, F61, O33
This project aims to study concentration and market power in Chile and Colombia and the role that globalization and automation have on the evolution of these two phenomena. First, we will document in detail how market concentration and mark-ups have evolved through the last decades using a long time series of data for each country, as well as its link to other measures of industry and rm performance. Second, we will dene particular episodes within our sample in which we will investigate the causal role of globalization and automation technology in the evolution of concentration and the distribution of mark-ups. We will focus on the removal of trade barriers after the signature of free trade agreements, import competition, and changes in availability of robotics. Our research will generate robust empirical evidence about the possible benets of automation and the deepening of international trade over domestic markets, which could operate through a reduction in factor misallocation and competitive pressures, among others.